Welcome to the website of the GES Foundation, dedicated to providing active support where it is needed most in Czech society.

We were established with a clear vision to form a bridge between those who can provide help and those who really need help.

We firmly believe that a strong and healthy society flourishes when people support one another and when values such as education, culture, and health promotion are shared across generations.

Welcome to the website of the GES Foundation (Nadační fond GES), dedicated to providing active support where it is needed most in Czech society.

We were established with a clear vision to form a bridge between those who can provide help and those who really need help.

We firmly believe that a strong and healthy society flourishes when people support one another and when values such as education, culture, and health promotion are shared across generations.

Who we are

The GES Foundation, established on 18 July 2024, continues the long tradition of charity and support provided by the GES Group itself over the past twenty years.

It was founded and is primarily funded by GES ASSET HOLDING, a.s., a GES Group company that also provides full administrative support and oversees other key activities essential for the foundation’s growth and development.

With the support of its founder, the GES Foundation is able to implement selected projects in their entirety – starting with the initial selection process, moving on to administrative and financial management, and ending with a final evaluation of results.

This approach ensures that our help reaches precisely where it can have the greatest impact.

Our values

We believe that:

The success of an individual is the success of society as a whole

The strong help the weak, and in doing so lay the foundation for a thriving community

Investing in projects with a long-term positive impact is essential for a sustainable future

Our mission

The spiritual and cultural values of society

We cultivate respect for our roots and cultural heritage.


We focus on supporting education for children, adolescents, and adults.

Sport and leisure activities

We encourage physical activity, especially among young people and in extracurricular settings.


We contribute to medical research and innovation and support individuals with disabilities.

Community spirit

We bring generations together, inspiring activities that foster a cohesive and harmonious society.

Our activities

Every donation or good deed contributes to a kinder and more cohesive society. Through our projects and initiatives, we aim to help individuals and organisations bring ideas to life that benefit us all.

A wheelchair for Rozárka

Young Rozárka has been battling spinal muscular atrophy, a serious disease, since birth. Innovative stem cell therapy offers her hope by partially replacing missing muscle cells. However, to help Rozárka and her family navigate everyday challenges, they needed a specialised wheelchair that even a three-year-old child could operate. The GES Foundation responded by commissioning a custom-made, unique electric-powered children’s wheelchair in Sweden. This wheelchair, unprecedented in the Czech market, will serve Rozárka for up to ten years, providing invaluable assistance and relief for her and her parents.

Czech National Disability Council

This project provides free expert social and legal advice for individuals with disabilities, regardless of age, as well as their families and carers. It aims to raise awareness, protect their rights, and ensure access to essential social services.

The Euro key project facilitates disabled access to public social and technical facilities such as lifts and stair platforms that are fitted with Euro key locks.

The GES Foundation supports these projects, which help to improve the daily lives of individuals with disabilities and promote better integration into society.

Livia and Václav Klaus Foundation

Projects run by the Livia and Václav Klaus Foundation help disadvantaged children and young people to overcome obstacles and access quality education and skills. The GES Foundation contributes to these efforts.

Online preparation for entrance exams for the children of GES GROUP employees

Under the GES Foundation’s auspices and in partnership with Scholarum z.s., online preparatory courses in Czech language and mathematics are available to the children of GES GROUP employees. These courses support pupils as they revise for entrance exams to secondary schools and eight-year grammar schools, easing the challenges of exam season for these children and their parents.

Partnership with Scholarum z.s.

The GES Foundation supports the initiatives of Scholarum z.s., an association that has long worked to create new opportunities to provide education and foster the talents of children across the Czech Republic. This collaboration is about more than just financial support – it brings long-term vision and tangible solutions that cultivate creativity and a modern approach to education.

Contact details

Nadační fond GES
Na Poříčí 1079/3a
110 00 Praha 1
Email: office@nadacnifondges.cz